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At Zebrex we look for ways to inform people about the damage of zebra mussels (see about us.) A signifigant way of doing this is knowing our stuff. Here are some of the many things we found while reasearching:





1. We have found during our studies that zebra mussels eat all algea's except for the green and blue algae's. These algae's are extremely toxic to the environment in large portions. Picture referenced from:*425/1zebra0714.jpg

2. These pesky molluscs have a phytoplanktonic diet, and eat alot of it. Unfortunately they are not the only ones who have this diet in thier ecosystems. These other species (usually fish, and naitive mussels) have an extremely hard time competing with the zebra/quagga mussels because of there high population in the great lakes (over 4 quadrillion) and eventually end up dying. Picture referenced from:

3. Zebra/quagga mussels stick to everything. This is a major threat to almost everything in the ecosystem. For example they will stick to other species of mussels and eventually wear them down and kill them. This is also a huge downside for industries, which leads us to our next point. Picture refenced from:

4. Thet are extremly expensive to get rid of. They costed Canada 500 million dollars in maintanence this year. They clog up the pipes and cause havoc in the factories trying to send gases from one place to another. They are not making it easy for companies to function easily. Picture referenced from:






Here at Zebrex we have specific targets for marketing so we need a specific strategy. This is from a advertising point of view and we use some for instances. This is our strategy:

We believe in targeted marketing. First off if we were to be setting up our signs somewhere in town, we would probobly put them in marines or extremely high traffic venues. We also believe in modern forms of advertising, so sorry pamphlets you don't cut it for us. Modern times include a facebook page or a digital form of advertising. Take away tech and still there are modern methods. For example boaters hate when their keys fall into the water so why not have our name and info on a floatie attached to your keys. Our final stategy piece is to come up with slogans or advertisments that have forms of humour to everyone, not just one group of people.

Awareness campaign


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